We apologize but currently our investment offerings are NOT open to the public and are only for existing investors only. We do however provide additional services for individual investors that are detailed below.

Our Global Investment Newsletter - A free newsletter that focuses on events around the globe that may impact commodities and precious metals. This is a great way for busy private investors to keep up with events that may affect their investments, especially if they are into gold, silver, and other commodity investments.
For investors interested in subscribing you can add yourself to the list by joining here.

Our "Diamond-in-the-Rough" Research - Currently, the only thing available for the small, private investor is our gold or silver COTS report. We are currently not publicly publishing this information - for private inquiries please contact info@hebbainvestments.com

Our Private Oil & Gas Land Investments - All of our investments in US Energy producing properties are done through Date Palm Resources LLC (www.datepalmresources.com)